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Paul Thurrott of WinSuperSite fame is putting together a series of articles on how to live in both the Max OS X and Windows world. Of course Paul wouldn’t be Paul if he didn’t poke a little fun at the Mac fanatics, both with the title of the article series and his writing style.

The first article in the series; Introduction is up on his site now, and it is a good teaser for what hopefully is to come. I think Paul has made a smart choice in not allowing comments on the articles, but keeping it to his blog. There I am sure the so called iCabal will let their mouths off.

What would be interesting was if people actually would read what he is saying without adding their own prejudices into it. Yes, Paul is a Windows guy, and yes he loves to get the Apple boys up and running, but Jesus – it is really easy to do… 🙂

Anyways, looking forward to the rest of the articles.