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Clubhouse Tags: clubhouse, story, personal, tips

In week 45 I started something that I wanted to be a weekly series of Windows 7 tips. My performance so far in fulfilling that “promise” has been poor to say the least. Two meager weeks I was able to produce before reality and work hit me like a hammer. The period before Christmas was insane at work, and with a toddler in the house, I just did not have neither the time nor the will to produce blog-posts. So I think I will have to put my ambitions in check. I will produce posts, for sure, but this being a hobby, and work and family taking the priority I no longer will “promise” weekly updates, nor the stated amount of 7 tips. What I will promise is that I will post, among other things, tips for Windows 7 for you all to enjoy. How often you ask? Time will tell, but hopefully on a more regular basis than for the last month or so.

To those of you that are regular readers, and came to expect something I did not deliver; I am sorry.

New tips are on the way… 😀