Microsoft has released a beta version of a new tool called Microsoft Fix it Center. This tool provides one single point you can go to in order to run several different troubleshooters to solve the different issues you are having with your computer. Although currently in beta it already provides a multitude of automatic troubleshooters to you. If you are having problems not addressed by the tool, you can report your issue through the tools online center and hopefully Microsoft will follow up on it. The tool looks promising, especially for those of us that falls into the category of being the family and friends it-guy! Just make sure you have this installed on their machines – and you can easily guide them through its use.
Installing Microsoft Fix it Center
Head over to Microsoft Fix it Center Online’s website and download the software.
When running the installer you will be greeted with this window;
After the installation finishes you will be asked to set it up and personalize it for your computer
Based on your hardware and software it will suggest additional troubleshooters it can download
In my case it found the two you see suggested in this screenshot
You are then requested to create and account at Microsoft Fix it Center Online
You can use your Windows Live ID for this
Microsoft then asks for your permission to share some information about your system with the online service
After having completed that step you have finished installing Microsoft Fix it Center on your computer
Using the Fix it Center
When running the program for the first time you are greeted by the following pop-up
Running the troubleshooters is easy. You just pick the one that most resembles your problem and click on the Run button
In this screenshot I have run the Performance troubleshooter and are asked whether I want the tool to apply fixes automatically or just present them for me so that I can select which ones to apply.
After diagnosing the machine you are then presented with the result of the diagnosis (I chose to select which fixes to apply in this instance)
After I ran the System Configuration tool I was then asked whether this fixed my problem or not.
After I submitted my response I was then taken to the Microsoft Fix it Center Online service where I could see a summary of the problems and fixes for my machine.
It is really too early to tell how useful this will be. It definitely looks promising and especially easy for the average user to utilize. I will be using it going forward, as well as install on it all the machines I might be asked to support (ie all of my immediate family). When I will be asked to fix a problem this tool will be my first stop in the troubleshooting and fixing process. Hopefully it will deliver on its promise and make my day easier.
For now: I recommend you try it out. Having real world experience in using it? Let me know in the comments section underneath.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ken-Tore and Ken-Tore , Ken-Tore . Ken-Tore said: New blog post on Abokevin.com. Microsoft Fix it Center – a very handy troubleshooting tool http://bit.ly/dhNt8n […]
Feed abon-niert
i am haveing a lot of problems i tryd free windowes updat it gave me free microsoft fix it downlowed on both was about hafe now i cant do about nuthing on my computer and i did not get the key code for him thank you very much if you can help i relly dont now whut i am doing lol that is probuby the bigist thing thank you agin mark